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My Story


As a child growing up in a small town in Oklahoma, I realized early on I had a passion for making things. It didn't much matter what it was. My mind seemed to always be geared towards trying to figure out how and why things worked and if there was anyway I could make my own version of it. Wood was always the most easily accessible material I could find. Regardless of the nature of the project I had undertaken, most of the time it was my medium of choice. That's how my life long love of wood working began. Later, in my college years, I was convinced there was no money to be made in woodworking, so I pursued a different path. A few years and a few jobs later, I decided that I wanted to spend at least a few months working in a well equipped cabinet shop. It was to be a sabbatical of sorts, while I figured out exactly what career I wanted to settle into for the rest of my working life. Within a few weeks, I knew I wouldn't ever stray too far from woodworking. It was my calling. The years of setting in the garage trying to figure out how to make stuff had prepared me well.


I soon found that in addition to my love of the physical work, I had a knack for design. Most of my days now are spent behind a computer drawing and designing cabinets. While I thoroughly enjoy it, I missed the satisfaction of turning raw materials into something grand. I'm sure you see where this is headed...


When I started smoking a pipe a few years ago, those old habits I had picked up as a child, of studying and analyzing and thinking through how I would go about making my own version of this simple little object, reared their head again. This time with a new appreciation for aesthetics and design.


The rest is history. I made my first pipe and never looked back. I once again, knew I was hooked. My perfection chasing (and possibly obsessive compulsive) personality led me to read and study everything I could find. If there was an opportunity to visit someone else’s shop, I jumped at it. I have looked for every opportunity for phone calls, video chats, text messages, and emails with all of the pipe makers I admire and almost all of them have graciously obliged me. If there is any chance to glean some little bit of knowledge or advice, I try to soak it up like a sponge.  ike most pursuits in life, the journey of learning the craft of pipe making and the pursuit of excellence has been it's own reward.  

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